Noble Empire Corporation
Engineering & Entertainment company
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Noble Empire Privacy Policy

We collect and store your valid, verified email address in order to inform you about our new products and promotions, concerning or related to the World of Guns project. This is done with your explicit permission. At any time, you can opt out of our newsletters, using the <i>Company > News > Manage Subscription</i> submenu inside the World of Guns software.

Regardless of your subscriptions, we may use your email to contact you concerning critical issues associated with your account and security, as long as your account is active (see below). We may ask you to provide more information if you enter a competition or promotion sponsored by us or our partners, or when you report a problem with our services.

When you login to World of Guns using an account, our servers automatically gather your IP address for system administration, and information about your computer's hardware for statistic purposes. We use IP addresses for logging and statistical purposes and to administer our userbase.

The data we collect from you may be stored and processed at one or more destinations. Specifically, the data gathered from users who had stated that they reside in North and South Americas, Australia, or Oceania, is stored on servers inside the United States of America; while data gathered from users who stated that they reside elsewhere is stored on servers inside European Economic Area.

The USER has the right to request DELETION of all its information with game progress and purchases from game servers. To do such a request user has to run the "World of Guns:Gun Disassembly", go to the Account menu (button in the middle bottom)>Manage Account>Delete Account>Delete Account (confirm) and send any message. All information with game progress and purchases will be deleted within 1-3 weeks.

Click on the picture for details.

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