Noble Empire Corporation
Engineering & Entertainment company
Featured Models
World of Guns
201 Models, 23,333 Parts
Terms of Service
Terms of Service
Present Terms of Service cover the use of World of Guns: Guns Disassembly software (“World of Guns”, “Software”), developed by Noble Empire Inc. (“Noble Empire”, “we”, “us”, “Developer”).


We collect and store your valid, verified email address in order to inform you about our new products and promotions, concerning or related to the World of Guns project. This is done with your explicit permission. At any time, you can opt out of our newsletters, using the Company > News > Manage Subscription submenu inside the World of Guns software.

Regardless of your subscriptions, we may use your email to contact you concerning critical issues associated with your account and security, as long as your account is active (see below). We may ask you to provide more information if you enter a competition or promotion sponsored by us or our partners, or when you report a problem with our services.

When you login to World of Guns using an account, our servers automatically gather your IP address for system administration, and information about your computer's hardware for statistic purposes. We use IP addresses for logging and statistical purposes and to administer our userbase.

The data we collect from you may be stored and processed at one or more destinations. Specifically, the data gathered from users who had stated that they reside in North and South Americas, Australia, or Oceania, is stored on servers inside the United States of America; while data gathered from users who stated that they reside elsewhere is stored on servers inside European Economic Area.

The USER has the right to request DELETION of all its information with game progress and purchases from game servers. To do such a request user has to run the "World of Guns:Gun Disassembly", go to the Account menu (button in the middle bottom)>Manage Account>Delete Account>Delete Account (confirm) and send any message. All information with game progress and purchases will be deleted within 1-3 weeks.



All World of Guns user accounts are stored at Noble Empire servers. You can install and uninstall World of Guns freely, or install it across several computers, with all gameplay progress, unlocked content, high scores and achievements remaining persistent. Note that for specific platforms' users (including social networks), all the above data is tied to a respective platform account.

World of Guns keeps and updates personal, global and local high score tables. All new high scores are verified on the server side using dedicated algorithms, and may be de-listed on the suspicion of cheating. This is done in order to ensure fair competition across all World of Guns game modes.

All new high scores that seem to be corrupted or invalid by our servers are blocked from being listed. This may happen, for example, if our server detects excessive use of a “Pause” function during a timed session. In rare cases, the failure to list a high score may be the result of data corruption caused by a faulty internet connection.



Your account (which consists of unlocked content, high scores, achievements, friends list, settings, screen name, associated email etc.) <b>will never be deleted for inactivity — if at least ONE of the following criteria is met:</b>
* You completed one or more in-app purchases.
* You bought at least one World of Guns Pack(DLC).
* You listed 50 or more hours of playtime in World of Guns.
* You launched the game at least once in the last 8 months.
* You have unlocked 20 or more models.
* You have subscribed to our newsletter.
Otherwise, Noble Empire reserves the right to delete inactive accounts that have failed to meet all of the listed criteria.

Noble Empire also reserves the right to alter, suspend or delete accounts that have gravely violated these Terms of Service.



You may use World of Guns for purposes falling under the general description of Fair Use, with the provision that you clearly and consistently credit the Software and its Developers in your derivative work or learning material.

We eagerly encourage the use of World of Guns in an educational environment, and ask you to inform us about your experiences of using our Software as a teaching tool.

You may not use World of Guns (or video recordings of its gameplay) for the purposes of broadcasting (as in TV programming or public events), without first obtaining written permission from Noble Empire — except in content directly connected with or reporting on World of Guns software and its Developer.




When choosing your screen name or interacting with other players or support staff, you agree not to use any abusive, defamatory, ethnically, racially or ideologically offensive, obscene, sexually explicit or threatening language. That includes alternate spelling or partial masking of such words and statements.

You may not attempt to play World of Guns using servers not affiliated with Noble Empire. You may not attempt to intercept, decipher, hack or reverse-engineer transmissions to or from Noble Empire servers, or attempt to scan or breach their security, nor will you try to create or use any add-ons or tools to gain advantage in the game. You may not market, advertise, or sell World of Guns accounts.

Consistent disruptive behavior associated with an account may result in preventative measures from the Noble Empire staff, decided on a case-to-case basis. Such behavior may include repeated attempts at cheating, attempts to compromise the security of our servers, spamming using World of Guns social network functionality, insulting and harassing other known players in Steam communities and forums etc.

At any time, World of Guns users have the opportunity to contact the Developer with any questions using the Feedback form in the Company menu of the Software.

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